2018 SAUC Scientific Journal Call for papers - CLOSED
Volume 4, 2018 - Call for papers
The SAUC (Street Art & Urban Creativity) Scientific Journal (as usual) will be synchronized with Lisbon Conference and Activities, and the authors of the approved papers will be invited to do their presentation in Lisbon SAUC Conference.
General topic - Changing times: Tactics and Resilience
Several suggestions for connected issues (among many others):
- Rock art, Pompeii and today graffiti/ street art research/ practices.
- How time affects placement, content, and strategies for creation?
- Terminology and time, static meanings and updates.
Funded topics
For the first time we are having the pleasure of financing produced articles (full papers, ± 5000 words). For that we got the precious collaboration of our partners.
- Each funded topic is suggested by one patron (NUART; Urban Spree; Kolly Gallery);
- The articles submitted to this topic should address the specific requested issues;
- The papers will be submitted to the consideration of the scientific committee;
One full paper per topic will be financed with 200 €. It must be approved for publication and top rated by the blind peer review process developed by the SAUC Journal, Scientific Committee.
Volume 4, 2018 - Call for papers
The SAUC (Street Art & Urban Creativity) Scientific Journal (as usual) will be synchronized with Lisbon Conference and Activities, and the authors of the approved papers will be invited to do their presentation in Lisbon SAUC Conference.
General topic - Changing times: Tactics and Resilience
Several suggestions for connected issues (among many others):
- Rock art, Pompeii and today graffiti/ street art research/ practices.
- How time affects placement, content, and strategies for creation?
- Terminology and time, static meanings and updates.
Funded topics
For the first time we are having the pleasure of financing produced articles (full papers, ± 5000 words). For that we got the precious collaboration of our partners.
- Each funded topic is suggested by one patron (NUART; Urban Spree; Kolly Gallery);
- The articles submitted to this topic should address the specific requested issues;
- The papers will be submitted to the consideration of the scientific committee;
One full paper per topic will be financed with 200 €. It must be approved for publication and top rated by the blind peer review process developed by the SAUC Journal, Scientific Committee.
Patron - Urban Spree
Urban Spree is a 1700 sqm artistic space in Berlin-Friedrichshain dedicated to urban cultures through exhibitions, artist residencies, DIY workshops, concerts, an art store and a large Biergarten. urbanspree.com Topic - They need papers about their history and relevance. Patron – Nuart Is an international contemporary street and urban art festival, held annually in Stavanger, Norway since 2001. nuartfestival.no Topic - How can a city quantify the success of hosting street art events? Are there methodologies that can put a “price” on the economic, social or health related benefits of such events? What other measures of ‘success’ are there beyond the economic and how can they be quantified and presented? Patron - Kolly Gallery Julien Kolly can be described as one of the pioneers of the street art culture in Switzerland, Eager for new challenges, he has now decided to promote the graffiti and street art universe in Zurich, cosmopolitan city known for its international artistic influence. kollygallery.ch Topic - Felipe Pantone - Afterimage at Kolly Gallery: How does the virtual/augmented space extend the exhibition space. What advantages can VR have regarding art galleries? —> as side notice: was the first exhibition that worked with VR at Kolly Gallery and exhibited some pieces only in VR. or Topic - Urban Art Galleries in Switzerland History and Relevance: What is the role of Kolly Gallery regarding a subject that thrives freely in the streets? How did Kolly Gallery develop as a major Gallery. This year Kolly Gallery passed the 100-exhibition mark. Julien Kolly is working on exhibiting urban art over than 10 years. Patron – Infraestruturas de Portugal Responsible for the investment, management and maintenance of railway and road infrastructures in Portugal. infraestruturasdeportugal.pt Topic - Mitigate problems of graffiti vandalism in public areas and transportation networks by focusing on technical (e.g. materials, coatings) and strategic (e.g. positive and smart prevention) solutions. |
All format will be submitted to blind peer review process developed by the SAUC Journal, Scientific Committee. Submit in one of three formats:
- scientific articles/ full papers ( ± 5000 words);
- essays/working papers ( ± 1000 words);
- book or exhibition reviews ( ± 500 words).
Important Dates
22 April 2018 (new deadline) – Reception for all formats and topics;
1 June 2018 – Scientific Committee paper selection announced;
(payment of the fee for accepted articles and funded topics).
5, 6 and 7 July 2018 – Lisbon Street Art & Urban Creativity Conference and Activities;
November 2018 – SAUC Scientific Journal (Volume 4, nº1 and 2)
Costs for publishing in the Journal
There's no fee associated to the Full Paper review.
Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal is Open Access,
Payment of 50 euros fee for accepted articles publishing support.
Check here the Rules for Publication
Send your questions and paper to:
[email protected]
All format will be submitted to blind peer review process developed by the SAUC Journal, Scientific Committee. Submit in one of three formats:
- scientific articles/ full papers ( ± 5000 words);
- essays/working papers ( ± 1000 words);
- book or exhibition reviews ( ± 500 words).
Important Dates
22 April 2018 (new deadline) – Reception for all formats and topics;
1 June 2018 – Scientific Committee paper selection announced;
(payment of the fee for accepted articles and funded topics).
5, 6 and 7 July 2018 – Lisbon Street Art & Urban Creativity Conference and Activities;
November 2018 – SAUC Scientific Journal (Volume 4, nº1 and 2)
Costs for publishing in the Journal
There's no fee associated to the Full Paper review.
Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal is Open Access,
Payment of 50 euros fee for accepted articles publishing support.
Check here the Rules for Publication
Send your questions and paper to:
[email protected]